trash collected for 20 minutes
estimated pounds of trash collected today - 5
estimated pounds of trash collected to date - 233
The Daily Water Bottle. Yesterday I came across a site that someone who is following my blog also follows. It is called 365 Days of Trash, "One man's attempt to throw nothing away for a year....and beyond." He has an article posted called, "Isn't it time to give up on plastic water bottles?" If you are interested, click on the article name above and read a thoughtful, concise, argument against single use water bottles.
This did not go into the water, but you get the point. In fact, Garen and I saved about 10 band-aids from entering the ocean today. I picked one up completely bare handed by accident, yuck! I am not sure why people enter the ocean with band-aids on, they do not stick! We labeled today, "Big Band-aid Wednesday", a reference to the beloved surfing move, "Big Wednesday".
We were up at Zuma today and saw dolphins twice, then again down here in Ocean Park at about 6:00 pm. Three dolphin sightings in one day made me very happy. I made a list in a recent post of all the trash items I collected in a day. To counter that with a positive list, here are all of the animals we saw today:

- 3 flocks of Pelicans in V formation 12 - 16 approx. in each group!
- Sea Gulls, at least three different varieties.
- Crows on the beach, (my favorite!)
- Dolphins - hard to know how many, you can see the same ones again and again.
- Humans - too many to count!! Many of them having a very good time.

The plan is: If you want to join in!
- collect trash for 20 minutes.
- take a few pictures (trash, something inspiring, where you're standing...)
- email the pictures to me along with the name of the beach, how many pounds you collected, and a little something about you.
- my email: sara_bayles@yahoo.com
I will start a Community Collection Count, people doing what I do, from anywhere in the world, connecting to this project via the internet, and spreading the word. Let's Do It!!!