lifeguard tower 26 - Ocean Park, Santa Monica CA
Yesterday San Jose passed an ordinance to ban single use plastic bags! Marin is next on Jan. 4th. This is exciting news. The ban in San Jose is more extensive than others that have been adopted in the state. The ban goes into effect Jan. 1, 2012 and unlike the LA County unincorporated ban, this ban applies to all retailers without a short-term exemption for smaller grocers. Other municipalities considering a ban are Fremont, Sunnyvale, Santa Cruz, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Marin County and Santa Clara County. I'm smiling over here.
I can't get this video off of my mind that I watched earlier today of a Pygmy Sperm Whale that beached itself and was later saved by the Baltimore Aquarium after they removed several pieces of plastic wrappers, and bags from its stomach. The whale lived, and went on to be released. Well worth the watch!
Speaking about eating...the holidays are upon us. Check out this great website from The Blue Ocean Institute - Ocean Friendly Chefs, Green Chefs, Blue Ocean - for sustainable seafood restaurants in your area, sustainable seafood choices, and recipes. Another great tool from the folks at Carl Safina's organization. Here is a link to his interview on the Martha Stewart show that I've already posted, but what can I say? I heart Carl Safina.
I want to highlight one of The 5 Gyres Institutes partners, Pangea Explorations. I can't wait to join them to cross the South Pacific this spring. What am I talking about? At the top right side of The Daily Ocean is a link, "SPARE $5 FOR 5 GYRES" click on it and read more about how you can help fund our research.

trash collected for for 20 min.
5.9 pounds collected
697.4 pounds total

Sea Dragon is committed to a long-term project of marine conservation, exploration and education. From September to July 2011, Sea Dragon and her expedition team will conduct the next important phase of exploration. Traversing the Southern Atlantic between South America and Africa, and then onto the South Pacific she will span two of the world's great oceans. Read more about how you can reserve your crew position aboard the Sea Dragon.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get Better. It's not.

I love these birds.
Here's the latest from The Bag Monster Blog on LA's annual DAY WITHOUT A BAG. The tutorial was today in Alhambra, and tomorrow across Southern California there will be 25,000 free reusable bags handed out to the public. If you see a green Santa, that's most likely what he's up to. You know? I have never found a reusable bag on the beach before.