Marine Protected Areas have been scientifically proven to protect and enhance degraded ecosystems, including kelp forests and fish communities. They are basically areas of the ocean set aside as safehavens from fishing to protect and conserve marine life and habitat.
The information above was taken from Heal the Bays website, click here for the link.

Where: Santa Monica Public Library Ocean Park Branch This meeting is dedicated to everything you ever wanted to know about the Marine Life Protection Act and what it means. Before the Fish and Game Commission 'gets the maps', we are holding community forums to inform you. Stefanie Sekich from Surfrider Global Headquarters will be presenting. Please plan to attend this informative event! |

Great news! The year-long stakeholder MPA design process is complete.
The three subgroups (one conservation-oriented, one fishing-oriented, and one cross-interest) each successfully generated a map…so now we are down to the final three maps! Best of all, the key habitats in Santa Monica Bay, including parts of east Point Dume and northwestern Palos Verdes, were represented on two out of three maps!
These proposals will now undergo their final scientific review, and be presented to the Blue Ribbon Task Force meeting in Long Beach, where the BRTF will choose a preferred map. This is an exciting time for the Southern California coast!
So, PLEASE mark your calendars and tell your friends and family to attend the October 20-22 meeting, as we’ll need to fill the room with BLUE.
please leave me a comment or send me an email if you want me to inform you of events and
progress relating to MPA, you can also sign up for updates at Heal the Bay.