lifeguard tower 26 - Ocean Park, Santa Monica CA
I'm not surprised to find this on the beach today. It's summertime which means thirsty people fill the beach.
My friend Danielle of the blog It Starts With Me, in North Carolina was inspired by The Daily Ocean to start a spin off called Our Daily Ocean.
trash collected for 20 minutes
1.9 pounds
595.5 pounds total

I am going to be on a the radio! My friend Heather Lounsbury - acupuncturist, nutritionist, and herbalist here in Santa Monica - has a great radio program that she hosts called, "Live Natural, Live Well," on BLOGTALK RADIO. She'll interview me in Sept. and when she does I'll put a link to it on The Daily Ocean. But in the meantime, check out her playlist of previous shows.

Her mission is to pick up cigarette butts off the beach in Wilmington NC. So far in just 5 days she has collected 1,402. Holy smokes! BA BOOM CHI! Sorry, couldn't resist.
That's a lot of butts...Her hope is that they will ban smoking on the beach. I hope it works, but the picture above was taken right smack in the middle of our smoke-free beach just last night.
My friend Siel of green LA girl highlighted Beth Terry's facebook page called, "Plastic Crap Wall of Shame." Beth also blogs at Fake Plastic Fish. Today's product highlight was, as Siel puts it, "A one-serving “sensible gourmet snack” with a plastic cup of cheese goo and a trio individually plastic-wrapped pretzel sticks — all encased in a plastic clam shell!"