trash collected for 20 minutes
estimated pounds of trash collected today - 3
estimated pounds of trash collected to date - 363.07
community count -
Day 9 of 365
pounds collected by Kirsten - 2.06
total pounds collected to date - 109.15

This was my view while I was waiting for Kirsten to arrive. Not bad, huh?
Many of you know about the Climate Conference in Copenhagen right now. Here is a great link to see what they have been discussing in terms of the oceans. Sea levels on the rise, ocean acidification, and other pressing problems facing us that tie into the health of our oceans.
"A new website, the Ocean Climate Forum (www.oceanclimate.org), will be released on Oceans Day, December 14. This valuable resource for members of the world ocean community introduces some of the issues linked toclimate change in the ocean and ocean acidification, and further gives options for responding to these impacts, including a special section for decision-makers."
Above is a video sent to me from Lisa Boyle, one of the founders of the Plastic Pollution Coalition. Here is a
link to their website for more information on the video and a very eloquent summary of the
problem of Plastic Pollution by another founding member of the PPC, Manuel Maqueda.
Heal the Bay attended a hearing on banning trash from the LA River. They were successful.

Water board moves to enforce ban on trash in L.A. River
Cities along the watershed are required by 2016 to keep all trash out of their storm drains. Those that don't comply will now be in violation of the federal Clean Water Act.
Sponsored by Heal the Bay, join us to get free reusable bags, and give up single use plastic bags for the day. Here is a link to the Heal the Bay page for more info.
My friend Siel of the blog greenLAgirl wrote an interesting post about this event on her blog this week. Read her post
I'll be helping Anna Cummins of Bring Your Own, Algalita and Livable Legacy transform old tank tops by sewing the bottoms and using the straps as handles to create reusable bags. Come to downtown tomorrow to get one!
This is Kirsten who I met at the Blogger Beach Cleanup. She is a raw food expert and has been offering classes in Santa Monica and the LA area lately to teach people how to make delicious raw desserts and other healthy, yummy, raw foods. Leave me a comment if you would like to learn more about her classes and get in touch with her and I will connect you.

Recently back from Sierra Leone to raise awareness for amputee victims, she dedicates a lot of time to the service of other people, and the environment. Thank you Kirsten for coming out today!
If you would like to join me, just get in touch by leaving me a comment, sending an email, or following me on twitter. I will include you in my post for that day, and add the weight of trash you collected to my Community Count tally. See the information above under the life guard tower picture.
She also kept collecting after the 20 minutes were up. I gave her this bag to borrow from the Green Bag Lady made for me to use in my Daily Ocean project. I thought it was so cool of her to want to keep going. I understand how hard it is to leave anything behind on the beach.