Please join us this Sat. at the Beach in Ocean Park, life guard tower 26.
We have a ton of free stuff to give away, and prizes to win. Plus a happy hour afterwards at Pourtal Wine Bar in Santa Monica.

trash collected for 20 min.
estimated trash collected today - 2.2 pounds
estimated trash collected to date - 323.5
Happy Halloween. Sometimes I find some strange stuff on the beach.
If you are coming to the Blogger Beach Cleanup this sat. a few things you need to know.

1. you don't need to be a blogger to join us.
2. when you pick up trash, the small stuff is just as important to pick up as the big. like this bottle top, you can stop a seagull for mistaking it as a tasty snack if you take it off the beach.
3. bring a friend! the more the better, we have a lot of giveaways to say thank you and a lots of cool like minded people for you to meet too.
It rained last week in Los Angeles. I heard about it when I got home last weekend from Mexico. There is something called first flush here which refers to the contents of the storm drains getting flushed out with the first rain of the rainy season.

The students of Santa Monica High School took pictures of the first flush as it happened and posted it on their blog. Please look here to see them. You really need to see it to believe it.
The hearing to decide which map to adopt in southern California that will determine the Marine Protected Areas is tomorrow in Long Beach California. Heal the Bay has two buses leaving from Santa Monica at 11:45 and 4:45. I'll be on the bus with the SAMOHI students that leaves from their High School at 5:00. Come along and show your public support to make sure a good decision is reached. HTB is advocating for Map 3.

For more information go to