life guard station 26 - Ocean Park, Santa Monica CAestimated pounds of trash collected today - 3.3
estimated pounds of trash collected to date - 382.8
There was a break in the week long storm front that has rolled over us here in southern California, so I headed to the beach to see what had washed up, and what had been uncovered. This little yellow bug is a cute find, but still plastic left on the beach...

Kite Surfing inbetween thunderstorms takes the term "Extreme Sport" to a whole new level.
My neighbor Marvin is an avid surfer who I routinely see tying his board up to go out to Topanga, but when I saw him the other morning he made the point of telling me that he will not go into the water for a whole week after it rains in LA. In fact, he thinks people that only wait the recommended 72 hour limit are taking too much of a risk.
What's the problem?
Bacteria levels (fecal matter), and viruses wash into the water from run-off and storm drains causing stomach flu symptoms, ear, nose, and throat infections, and plenty of variations there of. WOW.
Well the Teach and Test Club at Santa Monica High School which is co-sponsored by Heal the Bay and Surfrider test the water quality in the Santa Monica Bay. Check out their site here.
My fellow local activist and blogger Whitney of Eco-Vegan Gal sent me a link to a recent post that talks about how she has invested in a handy tool called the Gopher to help her collect trash as she walks her dog in Venice. Find her post here. Thank you Whitney!
I'd like to direct you to a blog that I really like attached to the website for Wallace J Nichols who is an accomplished Scientist, Activist, and Author among many other things. His website is a great resource for Ocean Lover's as you will see by clicking here
We've had hail, pelting rain, lightning and thunder for the last week off and on, and I have to admit that I love the variation in weather. What I don't love is the trash that washes off our 90% concrete cityscape that is Los Angeles. But I guess that is why I started this project in the first place. Love the ocean, not what is happening to it.