I've lost track of which ocean Marcus is crossing at the moment, and Anna is home in LA very hard at work, so Garen and I went to the Jack Johnson concert for them to set up a 5 Gyres table in the Village Green.
Jack Johnson invites local non-porfits from the surrounding area to come to every one of his concerts to educate people about helping the environment whether it is through ocean conservation education about marine plastic pollution, or supporting local foods. He invites a diverse group of folks out to change the world.

Garen is standing at an empty table - the only time that happened that night - because, as you will see below, Jack Johnson came out and played a 4 song set for us from oh...I'd say 20 feet away!

Garen is teaching interested concert goers about the dangers of plastic trash that ends up in the oceans. Much of it is collecting in 5 places called a gyre, which is a place where the ocean currents swirl together naturally bringing in natural debris, and trash - mostly plastic trash.

Jack Johnson and friend playing for a small gathering of folks on the Village Green

Marcus made this really cool display from welding the base to hold three window panels each depicting one of three topics - PROBLEM - SOLUTION - 5 GYRES. His display made the information easy to understand because of its creative, eye-catching design.
A sample shot of the PROBLEM side. See what it says in the bottom,"What's in your sushi?"
Algalita, 5 Gyres and Surfrider's Rise Above Plastics are hosting the PLASTICS ARE FOREVER INTERNATIONAL YOUTH SUMMIT in Long Beach this coming March.

Are you in high school, work at a high school, or know anyone who does? Then check this out and pass the word.
They are asking the youth to come up with solutions to plastic pollution, participate in a weekend conference in Long Beach, hear speakers Wallace J Nichols and Charles Moore, and then head back into their communities to be leaders of change!
It's going to rock!
Kamillo Beach is on the Big Island of Hawaii, which also happens to be my favorite place in the world. Swimming in the ocean off the Big Island inspired me to write, "Calliope and the Heart of the Sea" that I just finished on Thursday night. I sent it out the next morning to a literary agent that I met the SCBWI conference this past summer. Cross your fingers for me will you?

The paragraph above made it sound like I just blasted out, "Calliope" in no time. It actually took me 3 years, 10 months, and 15 days to get it to the agent I mentioned. That's not even to get it published. The clock is still ticking...
This shirt was designed by Rick Erkeneff - he and his wife Denise are very active in the South Orange County Surfrider Chapter. I had the priviledge of lobbying with her for AB 1998 - CA Ban the Bag Law (that didn't pass) - twice this year in Sacramento. They are a powerhouse environmental duo, and their daughter Lulu is a total champion surfer.

"An individual action, multiplied by millions, creates global change."
the picture above is of the "Village Green" that is erected at each JJ show