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life guard tower 26, Ocean Park, Santa Monica CA
trash collected for 20 minutes
estimated pounds of trash collected today - 1.9
estimated pounds of trash collected to date - 316.9

are supposed to tell what you see instead just the blotch of ink on the page? Anyway.
Motor oil bottle, fabulous.

Have you seen this site? The Climate Community is doing great things. I met Dan today who is behind this project. It is wonderful to meet people who are curious, humble and passionate. Great work Dan, keep it up.
At the rate I am going I collect once every three days. This is a little too slow in my opinion. What has brought my average down is a week like last when I was just too sick to come to the beach, or when we went on our honeymoon. These events are understandable, and why I set the rule for myself that I will collect on 365 non-consecutive days, but I feel the need to try and step it up a bit. What a slacker I am, huh? I know, perspective is a tricky thing. Think a happy medium of stepping up and letting myself have a little slack is where I need to be. This elusive middle ground - balance.
It was so wonderful to be back on the beach tonight.