Friday, August 29, 2014

August 24 - Beach Cleanup #377

beach cleanup #377
tower 26 - Santa Monica, CA
trash collected for 20 min. 
2.6 pounds tonight
1,393.6 pounds total

One plastic item I found as much as water bottles are single use plastic bags. The CA State bill (#SB270) to ban these bags statewide is coming up for a vote in the Senate today. Would you like to help? If you use twitter please copy and tweet:

@SenLouCorrea will you be a voice for a cleaner, greener #California and say #YesOnSB270 so we can #BanTheBag?

We don't do this alone. You may have noticed that my weight for tonight is about half of what I normally get. A man who went by me faster than I could stop and thank, picked up a significant amount of trash off of the beach when I got there last Sunday. 

This morning, I met two women who started a MEETUP to pick up trash from the beach. What a great idea! Maybe you want to start one in your area. I said thank you and we got talking. So many people care about the ocean. Sometimes this reminder is just what I need to keep going.