trash collected for 20 minutes
2.5 pounds
634 pounds total
Community Count Collection
Thank you to Arleen for coming out tonight! Find her on twitter at: ecogossip
Day 56
Santa Monica CA
trash collected for 20 minutes
2.6 pounds
395.8 pounds total

Hey wait a minute? Didn't I take a picture of this plastic cup on Day 155? Oh wait - I did.
Are you an athlete that loves the ocean and wants to race for a good cause?
Then look for the annual Nautica Triathlon that is held in Malibu every Sept. and sign up next year. Oceana was there this month and they raised over 6,000 dollars to support the work they do protecting Sea Turtles, and getting Offshore Drilling stopped to name just a couple of their vital campaigns. They are the largest non-profit dedicated solely to ocean conservation.
I was proud to be a 2010 Ocean Heroes Finalist this year.
Please sign Oceana's STOP THE DRILL petition here.

Her actions got the attention of a local non-profit dedicated to sea turtles. They have a blog called the Lumina News. In their most recent post, they talk about the liter that they picked up from their beach this summer. 569.74 bags of trash! That is a lot of trash.
It is likely that each bag weighs roughly 10 pounds - so their total would be - 5,697.4 pounds OVER 2 TONS!
Ginger from the Sea Turtle Project recently collected 1.7 pounds of trash in a 20 minute cleanup because she was inspired by Danielle, who was inspired by The Daily Ocean.
Got 20 minutes?

He diligently records his findings on his blog - "A chronicle of human debris. Washed up, blown in, left behind."
The Daily Ocean asks people to write in with their findings on their own 20 minute beach cleanup no matter where they live in the world. Whether you live in the NE, SE, or on the West Coast - the findings are the same - plastics and other liter clogging the oceans.
So far with the help of people participating in the Community Count Collections and my own Daily Ocean cleanups we are over 1/2 A TON OF TRASH and counting.
But not only that - we are connecting an ocean community, spreading the word, taking action and making a difference.
So I ask you - if we are finding the same thing everywhere, then maybe we need everyone to make a difference?
Join us. To start - it only takes 20 minutes.
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