lifeguard tower 26 - Ocean Park, Santa Monica CAtrash collected for 20 minutes
1.5 pounds
691.5 pounds total
lifeguard tower 26 - Ocean Park, Santa Monica CAtrash collected for 20 minutes
.8 pounds
613.1 pounds total
Thank you Monica (the brains behind Betty) for trekking all the way from Silverlake to come and cleanup the beach!
I usually head out to the beach at sunset. Today was a rare snapshot of what the beach looks like before the end of the day.
"We probably won't find too much out here since the beach is raked around 7 a.m. and it's only 1:00," I said to Monica. But then I added, "I could be wrong."
There have been so many times that I have walked out onto the sand and gotten a first impression that it was "clean" only to find on closer inspection plenty to pick up off the sand.
Today was one of those days. The tally of pounds may not reflect this fact. All of the items we found were extremely lightweight. A plastic bag for example is only .25 ounces.

We talked about how most of what we were finding was made from plastics.
This is a Starbucks lid. Starbucks is starting a recycling long has Starbucks been in business?
In the Dec. 13 issue of the New Yorker, Arrowhead Water took out a glossy two page ad 9 pages into the issue that is chock full with environmental spin. Water bottle sales are dropping. Damage control is necessary for their industry. How much do you think an ad like that costs?
I would bet that a company who felt confident in their product would not be shelling out the cash for an ad like that unless they were sweating a little.
Let's keep turning up the heat.
You'll see a trend from the other ads taken out in the front of the New Yorker:
Goldman Sachs (who needs more image spin than these guys?)
Chrysler (we know this company is not doing so well...)
Rolex (who needs a watch when you have a cell phone?)
Ford (these guys also need to pump it up to save their b-hind)
Dec. 12th and 81 degrees in Santa Monica. I'm not complaining, but didn't we say goodbye to summer months ago?
Although there is plenty on our beaches for me to pick up, we do not have tens of thousands of cigarette butts like they do in North Carolina where my friend Danielle Richardet lives.
She won the Britta Filter For Good film contest this year for her 20 minute cigarette butt cleanup that started because of a Daily Ocean cleanup that she came on over the summer. Danielle was shocked that we didn't pick up one cig. butt. I'm glad that we didn't find any that day. I usually get a few, but NOTHING compared to what she finds.
Here's a piece written on Danielle in her local Wrightsville Beach paper - StarNews Online. Like the Grinch after embracing the spirit of Christmas in Whoville - I think my heart swelled two sizes two big when I read it this morning!

The last thing we saw when we were leaving the beach.