Friday, October 31, 2014

Inspiration to change the world from Austria

Liana emailed me a link to her class film project this week. She took on the topic of plastics in the ocean and overflowing in our landfills. Her message is simple and super inspiring. Great work Liana! If a high school student in Austria can see this clearly, there's hope for change. Please pass along.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sept. 28, 2014 - Beach Cleanup #378

beach cleanup #378
tower 26 - Santa Monica, CA
trash collected for 20 min. 
2.5 pounds tonight
1,396.1 pounds total 

A whole month slipped by between cleanups! I am still figuring out how to be a new mom with enough energy to do anything once I put little Willow to bed. Luckily, the sunsets are earlier and earlier. It felt great to be out. It felt great to get less than 3 pounds of trash when my average is 4. 

BLUE MIND by Wallace J Nichols is out and on the NYT Bestselling list! 
"...HOW BEING IN, ON, OR NEAR WATER CAN MAKE YOU HAPPIER, HEALTHIER AND BETTER AT WHAT YOU DO." There is an online book group reading it together. Find it on FB at #BLUEMIND J is leading the discussions.

I KNOW I am happier for getting in the ocean this morning and for seeing the sun set Sunday night. In fact, I had a brainstorming session after I took this picture for a story that may be pretty darn good.