life guard tower 26 - Ocean Park, Santa Monica CAtrash collected for 20 minutes
3.2 pounds
412.1 pounds total

*disclosure for todays weight - found 2 full unopened Bud's in the sand - heavy!
In case you thought that is was just our beloved Pacific that was turning into a plastic garbage dump, here's the research from the Sea Education Association on the Atlantic ocean, and the results aren't good. As Surfrider's Soup ENewsletter said,
Beth Terry of the amazing blog, Fake Plastic Fish, was interviewed by ABC. She's a powerhouse example of the will to change your life to reflect the change you want to see in the world.
Dr. Carl Safina has been speaking out on behalf of the Blue Fin Tuna for decades. Here's his latest op-ed piece in YALE 360 highlighting the importance of the upcoming meeting in March that may determine the future of the species, or their extinction.
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