Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 148 - Sept. 4, 2010

life guard tower 26 - Ocean Park, Santa Monica CA
trash collected for 20 minutes
9 pounds
612.8 pounds total
OK - so this may be one of my favorite shots. Can't help but chuckle a little looking at it...

ROZ SAVAGE has crossed the Pacific Ocean, by herself, in an ocean rowing boat. If you haven't heard of Roz you need to stop reading The Daily Ocean and visit her website right now.

Castles made of sand dissolve into the sea...but not plastic.

Here is a cool story - a small group of stand-up paddle boarders commune with a POD of Blue Whales off the LA coast. Watch the interview here.
This is such a rare occurrence. I am speechless. Their "home footage" is phenomenal.
I'd like to thank the Clean Seas Coalition for all their hard work surrounding AB 1998. If you haven't heard of this power-house force of Ocean Conservation, check it out!

Here is what I found on the sand. There were three evenly spaced empty soda cans lined up in a row. A butt-sized indent in the sand was next to each one of the them. The people where gone, but not the evidence of their sodas that they enjoyed in the sun remained.
I like the sea gull above the cans. It looks to me like he is the surveyor of it all.
The view from the parking lot near tower 26. Not bad.

1 comment:

  1. "and so castles made of sand..fall into the sea, eventually" - Jimi Henrix Those lyrics just don't have the same ring with plastic messing up the flow! Good to see your continued good work :) Vicky x
