Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunset in the South Pacific Gyre

Looking at the expansiveness of the sea and sky for days on end did something to my brainwaves. It's almost anti-stimulation, meaning that my mind was allowed to unwind, take a breather, and felt free to roam. 

Being sea sick was a giant pain in the ass but also a blessing in disguise. It meant that I spent most of my day on the deck of the boat. I took care of what was right in front of me. I focused on the moment without the distractions of reading books or typing on my computer. My life online was on hold and there was nothing I could do about it. 

The fresh perspective that time away gave me is priceless.

Jeff processed many a Manta Trawl sample. 

All of the plastic fragments, bits of blobular-life forms, and other sea creatures gathered in this mesh sock when you pulled the trawl out of the water. 

Another gift of this experience were seeing sunsets night after night. 

There really aren't always adequate words to describe life on the boat as we crossed most of the South Pacific. Just writing that last sentence seems dream-like to me. Inserting the phrase, "a picture tells a thousand words" feels like I've said enough.


  1. It seems as tho you are experiencing just what you have wanted.. Not many have/get a chance to do that in their life.. Lucky you!. Too bad no one on board had those sea sick patches, next time get some just in case. :-)

  2. The experience was mutli-layered and truly amazing. Sometimes the challenge of it felt overwhelming, but re-telling our adventure on The Daily Ocean is letting me see the full picture.

    I had the patch and still was ill sometimes. I said, it was a blessing in disguise.

    great to hear from you
