Tuesday, May 27, 2014

back in the saddle!! memorial day weekend beach cleanup - #366

beach cleanup #366
tower 26 - Santa Monica, CA
trash collected for 20 min.
7.9 pounds
1,341.2 pounds total 

thanks to Jess, Drew, Alex, Garen, Willow and a man who didn't stick around to chat!

Here is our four-month-old baby girl, Willow! 
A lot has happened since the 365th Daily Ocean beach cleanup. I've done beach cleanups since, but haven't added them to the Daily Ocean total. 
Here's the short version of what's happened since I finished the first leg of this project.
I wrote a book for kids about The Daily Ocean. 
It's still being shopped around by my agent. Cross your fingers for me!
After that, I got pregnant and then sick for about seven months. Our labor and delivery was a wee bit of a challenge and so was recovery. 
But we're all happy and healthy now and in a good groove!

During this time, I kept asking myself what I wanted to do next with The Daily Ocean. 
I didn't know.
I was burnt out, exhilirated, wanted to travel the country speaking...
Over the last 15 months I have kept asking myself, "What next?"

Finally, I have an answer!
I want to blog right here again. 
I didn't know how much I missed this part of my life until I signed back on today. 

I want to do a weekly beach cleanup for a year...at least. 

I want to speak to classes, schools, businesses, and anyone else who would like to have me. 


I had the opporunity to do some of this over the last year, and I love it. 

I want to encourage people to come out on the beach with me, or do their own cleanup. Please read about the Community Count by clicking the link at the top of this page. 

These are my friends Jess, Drew, and little Alex who was born less than two weeks after Willow. 

When she is old enough to decide, I want Willow to come on the beach with me as much as she wants. I want her to be proud of her Mom for caring about the ocean and the environment. 
Who knows? Maybe she'll love the mountains, or the city, or...and that would be fine too. 
But as you can tell from this photo, she seems to love the ocean right now. 

1 comment:

  1. I see Willow as being a water baby!... as well as someone who will pay it forward.... Wow she has grown!
